Why we’re disrupting recruitment | on WordPress.com

Stella Ngugi
4 min readJun 7, 2017

Welcome to Jobonics. We’re super excited to have you join us on this new exciting journey as we explore together the possibilities of smart recruiting.The new Jobonics web app is our attempt at creating the recruitment app we’ve always wanted to use but could never find. A site where candidate engagement is the norm, not the exception. A site where an application doesn’t equal multiple CVs and ‘invisible’ employers. A site that is interactive, insightful and intuitive to job seekers and recruiters alike.

With all that in mind we’ve made (and are making) some big changes. We’re employing Artificial Intelligence, data science & user experience to bring you a recruitment app of its kind. So if you too are looking for more out of the recruiting experience we hope you’ll stay in touch and come back for our launch soon.

But first, our motivation.

If you’ve ever applied for jobs and wondered why you hardly ever get any responses from recruiters, it’s because there’s a high chance your application is in a pile on someone’s desk just like this or in some grey filing room.

As Aaron Levi of Box pointed out,

The vast majority of the world is still using outdated, complicated or insecure technology

The sad reality is that in the 21st century where we have self driving cars and drones delivering pizza to your doorstep, majority of the companies and recruiters hire with paper or excel sheets. According to Source: iCIMS 10 Must-Track Metrics in Talent Acquisition, over 61% of the hiring process can be automated. I experienced this frustration first hand over the last 4 years in 5 different companies and we came to the conclusion that these inefficiencies are causing more harm than any other business function does since hiring great people really is the most important task for any manager as Steve Jobs rightly believed. Here are some of the outcomes we are seeking to change:

Because of the outdated processes, many applications go unnoticed. In one week, the average job seeker applies for 16 jobs. However, in order to secure just one job interview, the average candidate needs to apply for around 27 jobs. That means it takes the average job seeker almost 2 weeks to land just one interview. Understandably, that means 56% of job seekers find the job hunting process stressful. Also 2 in 5 candidates have abandoned an application due to poor candidate experiences or long application process. In the next articles, we will highlight how Jobonics solves this problem but what is notable here is that 2 big mistakes happen;

  • A qualified candidate ends up missing out on their deserved career opportunity
  • A company ends up missing out on the best possible candidate for the job

2. Huge expenses

High costs are incurred to hire just one candidate. As it stands, recruiters are spending over $3000 average cost per hire. This is ridiculous! Many high end recruiting solutions sell the idea that recruiting is so difficult that they should outsource it to agencies or even use their complex & bulky options that give you the idea that this process really requires such a complex solution. The truth is this is a lie fed to employers to make them pay more.

Costs also come about from recruiting solutions that force users to use multiple tools to get the job done i.e XYZ for posting the job, YZ for engaging with candidates, S emailing tool, Y assessment tool etc. This causes the defragmented process to be even more disconnected.

3. Employer brand

According to Linkedin 2017 Global Recruiting Report, employer branding is going to be top of every recruiter’s mind this year and going forward. This is very obvious because the war for talent has increased and good talent is very scarce meaning employers will have to do a lot more to stand out before candidates and prove why their company is the best place to work for.

Most candidates have also admitted that anonymous job postings on free job boards don’t work anymore. Certainly not for the best candidates. Hiring is a sales play now and like any sales man, recruiters will have to show more information to candidates to convince them to ‘buy their services’.

4. Big data

Most HR managers have a challenge making a case for HR & recruiting ROI because none of it is documented and analysed. So at the end of the year, Hiring managers cannot clearly articulate how many total jobs were advertised, how many people applied, what ages were they, where did they come from, how do they think about our employer brand, what did they think about our recruiting process etc.

Whatever can be measured can be improved. And as long as recruiting is put online, it can be analysed and managers equipped with the necessary data to make smarter HR decisions.

Follow us on social media to get the next article on how Jobonics addresses these issues one by one. Till then, sign up and keep your ears to the ground to know when we launch!



Stella Ngugi

HR Generalist | Where HR, Tech & Design meet |🇰🇪